Adnan Syed’s Guilt

After I listened to the first and last episode of the podcast series “Serial”, I had to think about if I believe Adnan is guilty or innocent. After thinking about it, I concluded that I believe Adnan Syed to be guilty of the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee.

Blog post 3
“Serial” Podcast

In the last episode of the series, Sarah Koenig goes over the past evidence that was revealed through out the podcast to remind  the listeners of everything that was discovered in the past 12 episodes. I found this to be very helpful because I was reminded of all the details and would not forget anything.

The biggest piece of evidence of Syed’s guilt to me was his friend Jay’s statement about everything that happened that day. Jay told the police that Adnan told him that he was going to kill Hae and then later had Jay go with him to dump Hae’s body (Koenig). Although Jay’s story consisted some holes and the times varied, it is pretty consistent with Adnan’s call log. Also, Jay would have no reason to get involved in the case unless her knew something because he was very good friends wit

Adnan Syed

h Adnan. Jay’s friend from work, Josh said that Jay was very scared after the murder (Koenig). Jay was not scared of the police, he was scared of Adnan, actually it was more described as terrified. This leads me to believe that Jay was scared that Adnan would kill or hurt him since he knows he can since he murdered Hae. Now there is also Hae’s current boyfriend, Don who appeared in the investigation. Don and Adnan met just a few days before the murder when Hae’s car broke down. Don said that it was a civil meeting but since they were teenagers jealousy would have been very high and potentially could have caused Adnan to act out knowing that his ex-girlfriend has moved on (Koenig). Also, one of Hae’s best friends, Aisha stated that she remembered Adnan as being very possessive over Hae.


If you take a look at Adnan’s call log on the day of the murder, you will notice how just after midnight, Adnan made two very short phone calls to Hae and then in the morning called Jay which is probably when they were meeting up to go to the mall (Koenig). Just after 3:00pm and 4:00pm there was multiple incoming calls made. I believe one of them is when Adnan called Jay (he had Adnan’s phone) from the Best Buy pay phone, which is what was stated in Jay’s interview (Koenig).

Therefore, I strongly believe that Adnan Syed is indeed guilty of murdering the young Hae Min Lee on January 13th of 1999. After listening to the first and last episodes of the podcast I processed all the evidence to come to this conclusion.






Cresswell. “Serial Podcast: Episode 1 ‘The Alibi’.” Leanne Cresswell. N.p., 05 Dec. 2016.                    Web. 28 July 2017.

Everett, Cristina. “5 Key Findings from ‘Undisclosed’ That ‘Serial’ Missed.” Time              Inc, 24 Aug. 2015. Web. 28 July 2017.

Koenig, Sarah. “Season One.” Serial. This American Life, n.d. Web. 20 July 2017.

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